Lewin, D., & Waterman-Evans, L. (2024). Joint attention, the pedagogical relation and pedagogical tact in the age of digital education. Ethics and Education, 1-17. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449642.2024.2387950
Lewin, D., & Korsgaard, M. T. (2024). The power of exemplarity in religious education. Journal of Curriculum Studies , 56(3), 327-338. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220272.2024.2309973
Lewin, D. (2024). Religious influence and its protection. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 58(1), 128-135. https://doi.org/10.1093/jopedu/qhae006
Kenklies, K (2024) Limitations of Abundance? The Role of Concepts in Educational Discourse. in K Kenklies & S Engelmann (eds) Education for a Free Society. Paul Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation. Paedagogica, Peter Lang. (in press)
Kenklies, K & Engelmann, S (2024) Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation. An Introduction. in K Kenklies & S Engelmann (eds) Education for a Free Society. Paul Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation. Paedagogica, Peter Lang. (in press)
Kenklies, K & Engelmann, S (eds) (2024) Education for a Free Society. Paul Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation. Paedagogica, Peter Lang. (in press)
Kenklies, K (2023) Zeigen oder Nicht-Zeigen. Anfragen an die Operative Pädagogik. in F Dobmeier & M Emmerich (eds) Operativität – Erziehung – Differenz. Systemtheoretische, praxistheoretische und phänomenologische Anschlüsse an Operative Pädagogik. Springer VS. (in press)
Kenklies, K (2023) Bildung und Kultur. Perspektiven der Queer-Pädagogik. in R Koerrenz & M Winkler (eds) Bildung und Kultur. Tradition und Zukunft eines deutschen Deutungsmusters. Beltz. (in press)
Kenklies, K (2023) Pedagogies in Dissonance. The Transformation of Pedagogical Tact. Global Education Review, vol. 10, no.2., pp. 114-127.
Engelmann, S & Kenklies, K (eds) (2023) Words in motion: adapting, translating and transposing of pedagogies, parts 1-2 (Special Issue Global Education Review), Global Education Review, vol. 10, no. 1-2.
Engelmann, S & Kenklies, K (2023) Words in motion: struggles of translation, adaption, transposition, and ignorance, Global Education Review, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-6.
Shorb, P, Kenklies, K, Yamasaki, Y, Sakuma, H & Kawaji, A (2023) Review seminar of educational progressivism, cultural encounters and reform in Japan (Part 1, Part 2), 教育科学論集, vol. 26, pp. 53-73.
Kenklies, K (2023) Die Auf/Er/Klärung des Fleisches: Körper und Bildung jenseits der Reflexion? in P Diergarten, S Ganss, C Klein, L Köhler, J Müller & C Schröder (eds) Bildung zwischen Verortung und Verantwortung (pp. 88-97). Beltz.
Kenklies, K (2023) Entering the circle: Schleiermacher and the rise of modern Education Studies. in N Friesen & K Kenklies (eds) F.D.E. Schleiermacher's Outlines of the Art of Education: A Translation and Discussion. Paedagogica, vol. 2 (pp. 139-155), Peter Lang.
Friesen, N & Kenklies, K (eds) (2023) F.D.E. Schleiermacher's Outlines of the Art of Education: A Translation & Discussion. Paedagogica, vol. 2, Peter Lang. https://doi.org/10.3726/b19546
Adams, P. (in preparation). Scottish Initial Teacher Education (ITE): ten years on. SPICe Briefing. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament. Expected September 2022.
Adams, P. (in review). Initial Teacher Education Partnership: bureaucracy, policy, and professional agency. In T.S. Prøitz, P. Aasen & W. Wermke (Eds.). From education policy to education practice - unpacking the nexus. Springer. Expected late 2022.
Zhang, L., Sorrell, D., Adams, P., & Adamson, B. (in production). Creating a Sustainable College Performance Evaluation in China. In T. Savelyeva, & F. Gao (Eds.). Asian Voices in Higher Education. Springer.
Cameron, A., Mowat, J. & Adams, P. (in review). Understanding the value of parental engagement through pupil voice. Education 3 to 13.
Adams, P. (in review). Skotsk utdanning og Nordiske statene: reasons to be cheerful? Nordic Studies in Education.
Marshall, J. & Adams, P. (in review). ‘It’s an impossible task’: Pre-Service Teachers’ beliefs of differentiation as a catalyst for teacher retention. Journal of Education for Teaching.
Adams, P. & Burns, A. (in review). What should teacher education be about? Initial comparisons from Scotland and Alberta. Teaching Education.
Frimberger, K. (2023) The Tyranny of Truth and the Preservation of Human Happiness à la Bertolt Brecht and Paul Feyerabend. In: Engelmann, S. and Kenklies, K. Education for a Free Society: Paul Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation, New York: Peter Lang Publishers (in press).
Frimberger, K. (2023) The Craft of Acting as a Pedagogical Model for Living a Flourishing Life in a Word of Tensions and Contradictions, Educational Philosophy and Theory (in press).
Lewin, D. (2023). Don't fight the darkness, turn on a light: a post-critical reading of Vlieghe & Zamojski ontology of teaching. Filozofia Edukacji - International Journal of Philosophy of Education, 3(1), 44-50. https://doi.org/10.34767/FE.2021.03.03
Lewin, D. (2023). After religious education: lessons from continental pedagogy. Journal of Religious Education, 71(3), 197-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40839-023-00211-2
Lewin, D. (2023). Education, enhancement, and the pursuit of the good. In J. Zimmermann (Ed.), Human Flourishing in a Technological World: A Theological Perspective (pp. 211-232). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192844019.003.0011
Adams, P. (2022). Scotland and Pedagogy: Moving from the Anglophone Towards the Continental? Nordic Studies in Education, 42(1), 105-121. DOI:10.23865/nse.v42.3770.
Frimberger, K. (2022) "Theatre, Revolution & Love": moral-aesthetic education in Asja Lācis' proletarian children's theatre, The Journal of Philosophy of Education 00, 1-13 (in press). https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12663
Frimberger, K. (2022) An Anarchist Aesthetics of Education in Bertolt Brechts’ Theatre, International Network of Philosophers of Education Annual Conference. https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/an-anarchist-aesthetics-of-education-in-bertolt-brechts-gestic-th
Engelmann, Sebastian (2022): Alternative(s): Better or just Different? In: Journal for Philosophy of Education 56 (4).
Engelmann, Sebastian (2022): Staatsbürgerschaft unter Bedingungen des Krieges – Expansives Lernen als Möglichkeit von Vergebung und Versöhnung. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie 74 (4). 461–470.
Engelmann, Sebastian (2022): Es besser machen – Pädagogische Artikulationsstrategien in Ratgebern vom 18. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. In: Bildung und Erziehung 75 (3). 263–279.
Engelmann, Sebastian (2022): Das gangbare Kleingeld moralpädagogischer Unterweisung – Pädagogische Wege zur Toleranz in den Schriften der Ethischen Bewegung. In: Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik 98 (1). 58–72.
Engelmann, Sebastian (2022): Aufwachsen und das Aufwachsen unterstützen – Zur Thematisierung und Unterstützung von Übergängen in Christian Heinrich Zellers Ueber Kleinkinder-Pflege. In: Historica Scholastica 1 (2022). 35–54.
Frimberger, K. (2022) The Pleasure of Philosophising in Berolt Brecht’s Pedagogical Theatre, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference.
Kenklies, K & Engelmann, S (2022) Allgemeine Pädagogik: Die analysierende Synthese der Erziehungswirklichkeit (Systematic Pedagogy: The Analysing Synthesis of Pedagogical Reality). in U Binder & J Oelkers (eds), Funktionen und Leistungen der Allgemeinen Pädagogik in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung: Internationale Positionierungen im Kontext der Wahrheit/Nützlichkeit-Frage (pp. 33-39). Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Münster, New York. (in press)
Kenklies, K (2022) Der Traum von Macht und Ohnmacht: Eine pädagogische Phantasie nach Borges (The Dream of Potence and Impotence. A Pedagogical Fantasy after Borges). in R Pfützner & S Engelmann (eds) Sci/Fi/Bildung: Interpretationen. Tübingen University Press, Tübingen. (in press)
Friesen, N & Kenklies, K (2022) Continental pedagogy & curriculum. in R Tierney, F Rizvi & K Ercikan (eds) International Encyclopedia of Education. 4th edn, Elsevier, Amsterdam. (in press)
Kenklies, K (2022) Entering the circle: Schleiermacher and the rise of modern Education Studies. in N Friesen & K Kenklies (eds) F.D.E. Schleiermacher's Outlines of the Art of Education: A Translation and Discussion (Paedagogica, vol. 2). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, New York. (in press)
Friesen, N & Kenklies, K (eds) (2022) F.D.E. Schleiermacher’s Outlines of the Art of Education: A Translation & Discussion (Paedagogica, vol. 2). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, New York. (in press)
Kennedy, A., Adams, P. and Carver, M. (2021). Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education in Scotland: a context-specific endeavour. In D. Mayer (Ed.). Teacher Education Policy and Research, Global Perspectives. Springer.
Frimberger, K (2021) Wiggle Shamans – Wackel-Schamamen. In: Schewe, M. (ed.)., 81 Sprüche zur Enthärtung unserer Welt - On the Softening of Our World: 81 Sayings, Scenario, Berlin, Vol. 5. p. 98-101. https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/wackel-schamanen-wiggle-shamans
Frimberger, K. (2021) Methodological correctness and Miracles in Education Research as a Human Science. SERA Research Bulletin, p. 17-20. https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/you-have-to-do-this-or-that-but-meanwhile-life-is-just-passing-by
Kennedy, A., Adams, P. and Carver, M. (2021). Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education in Scotland: a context-specific endeavour. In D. Mayer (Ed.). Teacher Education Policy and Research, Global Perspectives. Springer.
Adams, P. & McLennan, C. (2021). Towards Initial Teacher Education quality: epistemological considerations. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53(6), 644-654. DOI:10.1080/00131857.2020.1807324.
Kenklies, K. & Engelmann, S. (2021) Undoing Gender und Queer Pädagogik. Gleich verschieden problematisch(Undoing gender and queer pedagogy - equally differently problematic). In J. V. Dall' Armi & V. Schurt (eds.) Von der Vielheit der Geschlechter: Neue interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Genderdiskussion (pp. 29-40). Springer. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-3-658-32251-9_3
Kenklies, K. (2021) What’s the use of Theory and Philosophy of Education? SERA Research Education Bulletin 11, 26-28.
Lewin, D. (2021) Reduction without reductionism : re-imagining religious studies and religious education, Implicit Religion Vol 23, 193-217.
Lewin, D. (2021). The pedagogical relation in a technological age. In W. Reijers, A. Romele, & M. Coeckelbergh (Eds.), Interpreting Technology: Ricoeur on Questions Concerning Ethics and Philosophy of Technology
Lewin, D. & Tonner, P. (2021) Editorial: SERA Researching Education Bulletin, Theory & Philosophy Network Special Issue no 11, 3-5.
Lewin, D., & Orchard, J. (2021) What’s ‘what’ in RE: Relating the what, the how and the why of curriculum content.