Here's a selection of the research projects undertaken recently:

  • Christian Flourishing in a Technological World: David Lewin is engaged in a 3-year project funded by Isaachar Trust with a group of international scholars whose aim is to develop an anthropology in the context of Christian faith.

  • East-Asian pedagogies: a conference hosted at Strathclyde in 2017 that is leading to an edited book East-Asian Pedagogies. Education as Formation and Transformation Across Cultures and Borders (accepted by Springer) edited by David Lewin and Karsten Kenklies and to be published in Summer 2019.

  • Love and Desire in Education: a conference panel at the American Philosophy of Education Society annual conference in Seattle in 2017 that will appear as a Special Issue of the Journal of Philosophy of Education in 2019 edited by David Lewin and David Aldridge.

  • Human Science Pedagogy: a conference hosted at the University of British Colombia in collaboration with Dr Norm Friesen (Boise State University), June 2018. Currently the research team are exploring publications options for a range of papers presented.

  • Nanjing-Strathclyde Symposium: a number of members of the research group presented papers at Nanjing Normal University at the 2nd collaborative research colloquium

  • Beyond Vice and Virtues: a collaborative book project engaging a number of the members of the research group along with some select international partners

  • Disruptions. The Chronic Crisis of Education: A Panel (Karsten Kenklies, David Lewin, Dr Sebastian Engelmann/ Germany) has been accepted for the PESGB Conference 2019 in Oxford

  • Education Studies: A Systematic Approach: A book project which emerges as collaboration of Karsten Kenklies, David Lewin, and Norm Friesen (Boise State University)

  • Hong Kong - Strathclyde Symposium: in December 2018, a number of members of the research group presented papers at Education University Hong Kong to explore the possibilities for collaborative research; as a result, several joined projects have been developed with colleagues from EdUHK


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